Hi. My name’s Mike. I’m a UK based screenwriter, designer, and bearded, bespectacled cinephile.

I love movies. I always have. Despite this, I never considered a career in the film industry at all. Instead, I studied Multimedia Graphics at university and became a website designer/developer who also dabbles in graphic design, print design, marketing, and various other strands too boring to mention.

Over time, I gradually got more and more interested, not only in watching movies, but in the process of making them too. In particular, I found myself fascinated by the storytelling aspect. I started paying more attention to the dialogue, the structure, the opening shot, the subtext, and the list goes on.

In 2013, I had an idea, inspired by lyrics from a song. It evolved and developed and it never went away, so, in 2015, I made the decision to try and write a screenplay. You never know unless you try, right? I’d never heard of Syd Field or Robert McKee. Saving a cat was something a vet did. I just started writing. One page became fifty-one and that was my first draft. It didn’t matter to me it was too short for a feature and too long for a short. I was hooked!

Thirteen drafts later and a final page count of 113 (with some invaluable guidance from a professional), I had written my first feature film. Since then, I have been absorbed with the writing process. Similar to my work as a designer/developer, screenwriting satisfied my desires for creativity and structure. The ability to create unique and memorable characters out of thin air and craft an entire story from one simple idea… to say it’s satisfying is an understatement of epic proportions.

More than that though, it made me realise something I’d never considered before.
I am a screenwriter.

Oh, and Doc Brown was right. If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.

If you want to get in touch, find out more about me, the projects I’m working on, or are looking for advice and feedback on a project you’re working on, check out the services I offer or just send me a message.