Logline services

A logline is a necessary but frequently overlooked aspect of writing and selling a screenplay. A great logline could make the difference between a read or a pass, so it’s always worth taking the time to craft something memorable and of high quality.

Basic coverage – £10
Up to 500 words of feedback on your logline, covering* overall plot, protagonist, antagonist, inciting incident, goal, and the hook. 

Full development – £40
Covering the basic services in more depth and helping you craft a logline from start to finish over multiple rounds of feedback. 

Synopsis services 

A synopsis should range from one to three pages and summarise all the major beats of the plot. It can be used for the writer prior to writing a screenplay or for marketing the project. Either way, writing a solid synopsis is a fundamental part of being a screenwriter. 

Basic coverage – £35
Up to 500 words of feedback on your synopsis, covering* the story as a whole, major plot points, the protagonist’s arc, genre, style, and tone. 

Full development – £140
Covering the basic services in more depth and helping to write a synopsis, either for the writing stage or for marketing, from start to finish over multiple rounds of feedback. 

Screenplay services

Crafting a screenplay is hard work, so it can be incredibly beneficial to have a second pair of eyes to carefully read through your script and offer comprehensive and constructive feedback. 

Basic coverage
1-20 pages £40 / 21-60 pages £60 / 61-140 pages £100 / 141+ pages £140
Up to 1000 words of feedback covering* plot, character, dialogue, the world/setting, structure, pace, genre, tone, formatting, voice, and marketability.

Expanded coverage
1-20 pages £160 / 21-60 pages £240 / 61-140 pages £400 / 141+ pages £560
Up to 5,000 words of feedback covering* plot, character, dialogue, the world/setting, structure, pace, genre, tone, formatting, voice, and marketability in more detail, focussing on specific examples and offering a more comprehensive evaluation of your screenplay. 

If you would like any of the services I provide or are looking for other services not listed above, please contact me to discuss. I currently only accept payment via bank transfers or Paypal.

* but not limited to.